Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14th, Flag Day

It's been awhile since my last post.  Work and life has been busy.  Last weekend, we took you down to Harvey Cedars (LBI) for your first real trip down to the shore.  You LOVED it.  On the ride down, you refused to nap bc you really enjoyed looking out of the window at everything passing you by.  You fell asleep on the island; Mama thought you would fall asleep on the causeway.  She was wrong!

We took a long weekend, Friday to Sunday.  Friday was very stormy but we had fun playing in the house.  We read books, played with toys, watched the Phils, and you loved looking outside through the big windows.  You certainly slept well during your naps and at nighttime:)

On your 9 month milestone, we had a photographer come out to the house to take family photos.  We are very happy with how they turned out.  Between that and the shore, Nana and Grandad came up to visit you from North Carolina.  They really miss their grandchildren.  Some pics from the shore, Nana and Grandads visit, and the photo shoot are below.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May park photos

I couldn't resist posting these park photos.  Carroll park is 1 block away.  We love it:

May and Mother's Day

It's been awhile since i have posted.  Our first Mother's Day has come and gone.  You made us crafts in daycare which we LOVED and couldn't wait to open.  It was a bittersweet weekend.  Mama was home, but only after her team lost in the first round of NCAA's.  We were happy to have her home but we also wanted the team to win.  It was a nice family weekend.

Henry, you bring such joy into our lives everyday.  We love you so much it feels like it hurts sometimes.  We are so proud to be your parents and we can't wait to experience life with you everyday.  It brings such a huge smile to our faces and to our hearts.  Things you enjoy right now:  taking walks - you LOVE the bjorn, playing on your mat with your toys, your jumperoo, hanging out in your crib watching your balloons and playing with your aquarium, talking, giving kisses, laughing, and watching Mama dry her hair.

A few recent pics:

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Last Saturday, Mama's team won the Ivy League Championship again!  7 times running and Mama is 3-3.  Henry and I stayed home and cheered while watching live stats and playing in the park.  The game was in Providence vs. Brown (your Mama's alma mater).  Some photos below from the day.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Short work day

Today was a short work day for Mommy.  Nothing makes me happier than to get home to you early so that we can spend more time together.  I got home around 3:10 so it left time for us to take a walk, hit up the park and play some before bedtime.  You have started to fuss when we go upstairs to start your bedtime routine.  It used to calm you, now you realize it's bedtime and you don't like it:)  I find it endearing.  It's such a treat to get more time with you during the week.  I just wish it was more often.  I miss you when i am away from you.

Posting a few photos from the park today.  Oh, and i am also including a photo of the flower you picked for Mommy and Mama at daycare.  We love it!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon was today. Tax Day. April 15th.

Tragically there were a few explosions today at the Marathon.  Mommy has a lot of friends that live in Boston so I checked in with all of them and they are all safe.  Thank God.  Prayers go out to all of Boston tonight.

Henry, I want to take this time to tell you again how much I love you.  Words can't express how big my heart is for you and our family.  Mama and I say it everyday - "we LOVE our family."  You are truly such a gift and we can't imagine life without you.  You bring such joy into our lives, a TON of laughter, and an excitement for every new day.

I am including a few sleep positions that make Mommy and Mama smile and giggle.

We love you.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

1st Yard Sale

Today was the day!  We took you to your first yard sale.  It was small but had some cute antiques and vintage things.  Mama bought a sign that says "No Hunting".  We debated a few other items, but walked away with only the sign.  Afterwards we took a walk to a local park and you watched older children playing basketball and took a swing on the swing with Mama.  You LOVE being outside and you let us know that you are not happy when we bring you into the house.  You would stay outside all day if we let you, even at 8 months.

Today is also the final Sunday of the Masters.  You seem to really like Baseball and Golf.

We love you Henry!  You are still going to bed before 6 PM.  I never want to wish the time away but i can't wait until you stretch your nights out a bit more so that we have MORE time with you.  We miss you so much when you are down for the night.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

8 months

Henry, we can't believe you are already 8 months.  I have a feeling we will be saying that every month for the rest of our lives.  It's amazing how fast time flies.

My favorite thing you are doing right now is the way you show me or someone else you love them.  You reach for my face, pull me closer, and lean your head in as you give me a big wet open mouth slobbery kiss.  I can't get enough of it.  You are truly the sweetest little boy.

We love you very much and are so proud to be your parents.

Nana and Grandad Visit

Nana and Grandad were up from North Carolina and couldn't wait to see you!  They came this past Sunday and spent the day with you.  You were spoiled with some Tarheel gifts, of course!  Mommy is training you early to be a fan of the Heels.  We say this often, but it's funny for Mommy and Mama to watch you when a man is in the room.  You seem to be a man's man already.

First Easter

Easter Sunday was nice.  We went to church with Nana and Pop, had time at home as a family, and then went over to the McIntyre's for Easter dinner.  It was nice and relaxing and you enjoyed sitting at the table like a big boy.  You were so proud of yourself!  The Easter Bunny made a surprise visit!  You were excited and very curious as to who he was.  We took pictures with you and your cousins.

In attendance:  Nana and Pop, Mommy and Mama, Aunt Laruen and Uncle Dan with Avery, Kieran and Reese, Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, and Kevin and Christine.

Under the weather

You had your first fever yesterday and today.  We know your not feeling well because your naps are averaging 2 hours right now and usually your maxed out at 45 minutes:)  Of course, you're still the same sweet boy; laughing a lot, playing, talking, eating and sleeping well.  You LOVE the outdoors especially saying hi to all of the birdies and watching them do their daily routines.  Mommy and Mama love you so much.  We hope you feel better soon.  Nana and Pop will come and take care of you tomorrow.  I added the photos below from last weekend.  A UPENN mom made you that hat.